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This training is currently only in the Slovenian language.



In October 2025 you can join my workshop on Nondual Ethics that I will give at The Foundation for Nonduality.


All details will be published here and on The Foundation's website.


Stay tuned.

Generacija 2023 - letnik 1, 4. modul

Generacija 2023 - letnik 1, 5. modul

Generacija 2023 - letnik 2, 1. modul

Generacija 2023 - letnik 2, 2. modul

Generacija 2023 - letnik 2, 3. modul

Generacija 2023 - letnik 2, 4. modul


New group will start in spring 2025.

25. in 26. 11. 2023

27. in 28. 1. 2024

23. in 24. 3. 2024

8. in 9. 6. 2023

21. in 22. 9. 2023

9. in 10. 11. 2023

  • You will connect external ethical norms with your own intelligence and knowledge, which will link you to the source of your own power and value.
  • You will uncover hidden traps of beliefs about yourself and the world that prevent you from growing, advancing, and developing - both professionally and personally.
  • With each challenge, we will touch upon one of the fundamental qualities of being and life. This way, you will broaden your perspective on yourself and the world and awaken from the trance of beliefs that repeatedly bring you, your clients, and the people around you to the same pain.
  • The course is currently only in Slovenian language. But if there is enough interest, I will set it up in English language too.

If you have ever thought that there is more to life than what you can currently understand, see, perceive, and feel, you are on the right page. But to find that "more," you need company, community, and guidance. All of this awaits you if you join the program ETHICS — A Path to the True Self.


Join a community of people who want more and who can give more.

ETHICS - A Path to The Real Self

Ethics is a matter of the heart. When we open-heartedly look at ourselves through the lens of our heart, we find ethics. This is our nature, our right, and our truth to exist, create, and disappear. Ethics permeates everything and every cell of our lives on all levels.


Enter the world of ethics with me and discover the secrets of your true nature!

New group will start in spring 2025.

Etika je proces, ki vključuje vse, kar kreira našo notranjo in zunanjo harmonijo ter kaos v našem življenju. Etika je kreator in kreacija hkrati in nas lahko približa našemu pravemu/resničnemu sebi.


Kaj pomislite, ko slišite etika? Jaz pomislim na človeško naravo, srce in življenje. Program Etika – pot do pravega sebe je plod moje strasti do etičnega, želje po raziskovanju človeške narave in mojih izkušenj pri delu z ljudmi.


Program, ki nastaja, raste in se razvija že od leta 2008, te bo popeljal v skrivnosti človeških značajev in odnosov. Teme in etični izzivi ti bodo skozi nedualno perspektivo omogočili najti zdrave temelje in graditi nove, drugačne, bolj zdrave odnose do sebe, drugih in sveta.

Are you a therapist or a healer? 


Do you want to change and improve your relationship with yourself and with people—both professionally and privately? 


Do you want to discover your true nature and realize your potentials?

If you answered YES to at least one, write to me

Write to me and stay connected

Write to me, if it resonates

Ethic, are you my path?

The author and creator of the program is Tadeja Bradaš, a spiritual teacher and healer in Nondual Kabbalistic Healing.


In two years we will meet five times for the first year and four times for the second one. The program consists of lectures and discussions about ethics and seven challenges related to the fundamental qualities of humankind. All materials are presented through the perspective of nondual consciousness.


Lectures, sharing, practical exercises, and from time to time short assignments ensure a variety and intensity that will inspire you.

Ethics — A Path to the True Self is an inward journey - towards yourself. For YOU, who are reading this and will respond to this call, this is important!


This is not a program where you will learn something you don’t already know. You, who are interested in this training, already know a lot. What you already know will be deepened further. Our shared journey will remind you of what has long been within you.


It will help you, through this remembering, to return to who you are and to live and work with your full potential, so that you will be thorough, open-hearted, and good in what you do.

Write to me, ask me

Where and When?

What can you gain?

21 May 2024